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Why Church Multimedia is Essential for Reaching People.

Unleash the Power of Church Multimedia! Discover creative ways to tell your church's story through videos, audio and stunning visuals.

Overhead Projector

Church multimedia has come a long way in the last thirty years. However, I must confess that I am old enough to remember when we used overhead projectors to show song lyrics in our church services. It's possible that some of you may not even know what an overhead projector is. Nonetheless, using an overhead projector was our standard definition of church multimedia at that time, which is somewhat alarming.

Like in many areas of life, technology has transformed church multimedia, making it possible to do incredible things. However, I wonder whether we use the resources to their full potential. Merely projecting song words onto a screen is not an effective use of these resources, and it could have been done using an overhead projector.

Instead, I urge us to consider how to better use these resources to enhance our church experience by effectively using multimedia ideas. This will help us create an environment where people can encounter the living God. Such an approach can go beyond the Sunday service and influence people outside the church building.

Church Multimedia Ministry: Start By Defining Your Vision:

In today's digital age, churches are embracing the power of multimedia to enhance worship services and foster greater engagement among their congregations. From stunning visuals to captivating videos and immersive sound experiences, church multimedia transforms how we worship and connect with our faith.

Church multimedia in worship

With the rapid advancements in technology, churches can now create immersive and dynamic worship experiences that resonate with people of all generations. Whether projecting scripture verses on screens, displaying worship lyrics, or streaming sermons live, multimedia has become integral to the modern church landscape.

But the power of church multimedia goes beyond just aesthetics. It enables a deeper connection and understanding of spiritual messages, making it easier for people to engage with the content and apply it to their lives.

By integrating digital creativity into worship services, churches can create a spiritually enriching and visually appealing environment.

In this article, we will explore how church multimedia can enhance worship and engagement. So, discover the endless possibilities of church multimedia and revolutionise your worship experience.

First, though, we need to define our vision for using multimedia and what the technology can do for us.

To achieve your desired outcome from your church multimedia, it's essential to start at the end and work backwards. This means defining your vision and then plotting an accurate path from where you are today.

You can identify the first step once you have mapped out your course. Starting with a clear plan is essential because taking the wrong approach from the beginning can jeopardise your chances of achieving your long-term goals.

There are three potential goals for a church's multimedia efforts.

The first is to enhance the worship experience for the in-person congregation.

The second is to build a bridge for the non-attending congregation to engage more deeply.

The third is to have an online presence outside the church service throughout the other six days of the week.

Determining which goal(s) your church wants to achieve is essential before moving forward with multimedia efforts.

If the second or third category is part of your plan, I recommend reading our blog post, "Who is your digital church?" to help you determine your audience.

Additionally, taking the Digital Ministry Assessment and accessing our 22-page report can provide actionable steps for completing the process.

Digital Ministry Assessment

Church Multimedia: The Jesus Way – Using Storytelling and Conversation

Great. Now that you know what you want to achieve with your church multimedia, let’s explore how you can use this effectively.

Before we discuss the three primary categories that church multimedia embraces, how they interact with each other, what they do, and how to use them effectively, I want to challenge your thinking.

Churches have historically been very good at information giving. However, that was not how Jesus modelled it for us, so it’s odd that we landed there.

Instead, Jesus had two primary ways of operating that we, as the church, must regain to be effective witnesses in the future.

Firstly, Jesus was a master storyteller.

People would travel for miles, sit on exposed hillsides, and crush into buildings to sit and listen to the stories He told. The Gospels are full of stories. Every time Jesus “taught” the crowds of people flocking to Him, He tells them a story.

Jesus the master story teller

We must re-capture this aspect of Jesus’ ministry and get good at telling stories again.

If you need help with this, let me encourage you to expose yourself to creative storytelling. Watch story-rich Movies and TV shows, both drama and documentaries, read great books with powerful storytelling at their heart, and listen to podcasts and audio documentaries built on storytelling principles.

Ignite YOUR storytelling, and then use that muscle regularly in all you do.

Secondly, Jesus was conversational.

He rarely spoke and left it there. Jesus often spoke and discussed what He had talked about with those close to Him. We as the church need to recapture this conversational element, which our church multimedia can help with.

Jesus the master conversationalist

These two principles are essential to remember as we consider how to use church multimedia effectively.

So, what are the three categories of church multimedia, how do they work together, and how can you use them to the fullest extent?

They are:

Three keys to church multimedia

    Church Multimedia: The Visual Component

    Visuals are probably the most critical aspect of good church multimedia when creating an immersive experience and grabbing the attention of the people you seek to reach. This is true whether they are in person or remote; it will almost always be the visual that attracts someone.

    For instance, when it comes to Social Media posts, the visual is the first thing someone sees before investigating the content – it stops the scroll.

    This is also true in your church environment; well-crafted images can draw your congregation into your worship or message in a powerful way.

    As we saw at the start, churches used only to have the option of using overhead projectors. Nowadays, there are many more options available.

    Church multimedia graphic design

    There is a range of excellent software available to create and display images, from free software like Canva or Snappa to powerful design tools like the Adobe Suite. Numerous options for displaying what you create include Pro-Presenter, PowerPoint, EasyWorship, Proclaim, and many more.

    However, regardless of what tool you choose to use, your creativity is what counts the most. These design and display tools are simply that - tools. Their effectiveness is directly linked to your creativity.

    Let's strive to improve our creativity and make the most of the available tools.

    Are you looking to enhance your church multimedia with high-quality visuals?

    Church multimedia - creative use of images

    You can create impressive visual effects by using moving backgrounds and animations for your song lyrics and incorporating high-quality videos and photos for your sermon illustrations. Many resources are available, including free image libraries like Pexels, Unsplash, and Pixabay and paid video libraries like Storyblocks. You can easily up your game without starting from scratch by utilising the resources at your disposal.

    As a preacher, it's crucial to include illustrative stories and quotes in your messages to reinforce your points. Ensure that your team knows your scripture verses in advance so they can create relevant graphics for them. It's also helpful to build a library of resources for future use, saving you time searching for the "right" image or video when needed.

    The bottom line is that visual church multimedia content is essential to grab your audience's attention and make a lasting impact.

    But that’s only the first step.

    Church Multimedia: The Audio Component

    I want to discuss two aspects of your church's multimedia audio: its quality and how it can be used creatively.

    It cannot be emphasised enough how crucial the audio quality in your church's multimedia content is, as it can determine whether people stay engaged and involved. This applies to both in-person and remote worship services. If there is a lot of feedback, the levels are too high or too low, or the mix on your worship is poor (or your singers are out of tune), it can ruin the connection you are trying to build with your audience. Therefore, it is the most important thing to get right.

    A close friend shared a story about a church in the United States that wanted to become a significant force in the worship scene. The church had many talented singers, musicians, and songwriters who believed they could impact worship nationally and even internationally. However, they had trouble gaining traction in this area.

    My friend, a leading voice in the worship movement then, was asked to help them by assessing their situation and needs. After spending time with them and getting to know their musicians and songwriters, he declared they had something special. However, he also told them that they would only see the real impact of their potential if they addressed one issue: their PA system.

    It was old and quite archaic. He explained that this was holding them back from all they could achieve.

    Their current PA system could not capture and amplify the creative sound they were producing, so their congregation could not engage in worship in the way they wanted.

    They heeded his advice, changed the PA system, and became a force in the global worship scene.

    This one thing needed to change to move them forward. What about you?

    In worship, sound is a holistic experience that starts with great songwriting, superb musicianship, and a great audio team that can capture it. It ultimately ends with an engaged congregation, whether present in person or online.

    Therefore, it is crucial to prioritise creating clear and effective audio for the audience you want to reach. You can read more about this in our blog, "How poor-quality church sound will ruin your live stream."


    Also, if you want to reach an online audience, I recommend downloading our eBook, "Let's Make it Better: My Top 5 Tips to Move Your Media Ministry Forward," which is free on our website.

    Prioritise quality. 

    As a quick aside, this may also mean you need to consider your venue's acoustics.

    Now, let's talk about creativity.

    The Oscars

    I want to suggest something that I think is often overlooked in church settings: sound design and sound effects.

    The Oscars have an award for sound design, recognising its importance in creating a great visual product. It is a vital part of movie making, and when done well, it can transform a story into something spectacular.

    Imagine how much better sermons could be with quality sound design.

    The starting point is the microphone you use for your preacher. Two factors should guide this choice: quality and comfort.

    Quality: The microphone should amplify the speaker's voice without feedback or dropouts so that everyone in the room or online can hear what is being said clearly.

    Comfort: The preacher should be comfortable with the microphone they use. Everyone has different preferences, so it's crucial to accommodate their needs. If the preacher is uncomfortable with the microphone, they might not be at their best, which could affect their impact.

    Choose the right microphone

    I've gone into greater detail in my blog post "Church AV: A definitive guide to using Audio-Visual effectively." I suggest giving it a read.

    However, I want to return to the element of creativity. Here is a radical thought: Have you considered using sound effects in your sermon?

    Sound effects can be a great way to reinforce transitions and critical moments in your sermon.

    Think holistically about using your visuals and audio together for a more immersive experience. When you transition to a slide on screen at a point in your sermon, add a sound effect. I have recently launched a YouTube channel (not a subscriber yet? Well, become one by clicking on the image below). 

    Media Mentoring YouTube Channel

    In my videos, I use sound effects to emphasise something. I use sound effects when I transition from one image to another; I use sound effects when I add text on screen, and I use sound effects when I want to pause and make a point. Why? Because the combination of visual and audio is far more effective to the audience's senses than just one or the other.

    Have you thought about incorporating sound effects into your Sunday sermon? 

    For instance, you could add a trigger that plays a sound effect when you transition to a new slide, grabbing the attention of those who may have zoned out. Or, when displaying a scripture verse, you could use a typewriter-type animation with a corresponding sound effect to make it more engaging.

    There are many options online to access quality sound effects. A quick internet search will produce lots of options - free and paid.

    This is about immersing people’s senses into the content and arresting their attention. Will everyone like it? Probably not, but it is effective if used well and not overdone.

    Another way to add variety to your sermons is by using AI-driven voiceovers.

    There are many programmes available that allow you to have an AI voiceover read out scripture verses or other essential parts of your sermon. This can add a unique element to your service and help your audience engage more effectively.

    Incorporating audio and visual elements into your church multimedia can significantly impact your audience.

    Get creative and consider using these tools to create a more immersive experience for your congregation. By doing so, you can help your content have a more significant impact on your audience.

    Church Multimedia: The Interactive Component

    Earlier, I mentioned that Jesus had a conversational model, which we should consider when engaging with our audience. While it may be intimidating, inviting questions during a Sunday sermon can be a great way to engage your audience. However, if this is not suitable for your setting, you can still consider adding the ability to receive feedback and questions from your congregation.

    Sample word cloud

    One idea is to ask a multi-choice question or run a poll at the beginning of your sermon that is relevant to your topic. People can go online through a displayed QR code and "choose" an answer. You can display the results later in your sermon and use them as an illustrative point. For instance, if you're doing a series on marriage, you could ask a question like "What's the most important thing in a successful marriage?" and have your tech team create a word cloud of the answers to display an appropriate point.

    If you live stream your service, you can make it available for your online audience to participate, thereby engaging them. You can also ask your team to tweet and hashtag elements or key phrases during the message to build engagement.

    These are relatively simple options that are very achievable with the technology available. The key is to build engagement, as an engaged audience who are interested and participating will learn and retain far more than those who are disengaged or disinterested.

    Church Multimedia: Strategic Integration

    The most important thing to keep in mind is a holistic approach. Ensuring that your visuals, audio, and interactive elements work together cohesively and complementarily and are aligned with your objectives is crucial. That's why starting at the vision level is essential. This gives you something to measure against.

    I am not suggesting that creativity should be used recklessly or just for the sake of being creative.

    Instead, I suggest using creativity thoughtfully and combining all these elements to connect with your audience more deeply and effectively, regardless of whether they are engaging in person or online. Develop a well-planned strategy for using all these elements seamlessly and blending them in a way that suits your purpose.

    However, I must caution that this requires planning and communication with your team, who are responsible for delivery and technical oversight. You may want to consider rehearsing some elements to ensure that the timings are appropriate, the transitions are smooth, and the overall technical execution is polished and well-executed.

    It is worth the effort, though, as it can significantly impact your effectiveness.

    Church Multimedia: Mastering The Tools

    We have discussed how you can utilise different aspects of church multimedia to engage and impact your audience. However, to do this effectively, you must understand how to make the most of the tools available to you.

    For your in-person congregation, these tools include technology and equipment such as projectors or LED walls, sound systems, and lighting. For your online audience, they also include cameras, switchers, and more. Additionally, we need to consider editing, graphic creation, and presentation software.

    I recommend reading my extensive article, "Audio Visual for Churches: What to Focus on for Success," to understand this area better.

    Now, though, I want to highlight two things that are often overlooked. The first is ensuring your team can fully utilise the technology you have. If they cannot, you should consider what training needs you have so that they can gain the skills to get the most out of what you already have.

    Secondly, consider how to train your team to go beyond the competency factor and expose them to training that will push their skills further, develop their creativity, and more. Our Church Production Academy can help you train your team. I invite you to check it out and see how it can help you. Training is the key to unlocking greater capacity and enhancing your creative output, so invest in it. If you don't think our Church Production Academy is the right fit for you, I encourage you to find what is. This one thing can make the most significant difference to you.

    The Church Production Academy

    Church Multimedia: Inspiration and Resources

    Earlier in this blog, I shared some resources that you can use to access creative assets like Canva, Adobe Suite, presentation software such as Pro-Presenter, and more. I also mentioned other resources like Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash, and Storyblocks. There are also many others that you can search for on the internet.

    Apart from these resources that allow you to create your visuals, there are also pre-made resources that do not require you to have any creative design skills. You can easily access and use these resources right away.

    I found a great website with links to many resources relevant to church teams. You can find media resources such as motion backgrounds, church videos, photos, etc. You can also access music resources, including click and multi-tracks, stock music, and copyright resources. You'll also find other resources like church management tools and websites. It's an excellent central hub that will inspire you to explore the possibilities.

    The website is:

    However, I must warn you that some links you'll find will take you to free resources, while others will take you to paid resources with varying fees and structures. Nonetheless, it's a fantastic starting point that you will find helpful and accessible.

    With abundant resources available, there is no excuse for poor-quality media. If possible, seek out creatives in your network who can help you with this. But if that's not an option, you can use these resources to enhance your media game significantly.

    Church Multimedia: Reaching Your Audience on Multiple Platforms

    We have discussed how multimedia can be used in person, but the same principles can apply to your online presence. Using these principles, you can improve your website and create excellent social media content, a vital part of communication.

    You can also incorporate additional elements into your online presence to enhance the experience for your congregation. For instance, you can make PDF downloads of your sermon notes that feature the same components used in the presentation. You can also make these available online alongside your sermons hosted on your website. The more you help people connect and engage, the better.

    Additionally, there are many ways to maximise the benefits of your church multimedia. You can create short-form videos from your long-term content and use the elements from your church multimedia presentation to create digital ministry and Social Media assets. Could you also consider creating a podcast from your content to increase your church’s multimedia presence?

    Church Multimedia - options beyond your Sunday service

    In my blog, "Five Methods to Reach Your Church Audience Beyond Sunday," I have shared various ideas you can consider. Repurposing content into many different forms is essential because people like experiencing and consuming content in multiple ways, and making it available to them is our job.

    If you have continued reading up to this point, you are likely someone who enjoys reading written content. However, not everyone has the same preference; some prefer audio content, while others prefer video. Therefore, to effectively reach a wider audience, we need to repurpose our content into as many different formats as possible. We should not expect people to engage with and consume our content if we don't cater to their preferred method of consumption.


    The days of using overhead projectors in churches are long gone. However, many churches seem to have moved on a bit but are not yet making the most of their opportunities regarding multimedia.

    When done well, church multimedia includes excellent video, fantastic audio, and engaging interactivity, which can significantly benefit you. It can help your congregation (whether online or in person) engage more profoundly, allowing them to be impacted by your message and providing an encounter with God that can transform their lives.

    There are numerous resources available that can assist you in this journey. We hope you are interested in how you can take the next step. Remember, we are here to help you with this, too.

    You can have powerful church multimedia that will enable you to connect and transform the people you reach. Let’s get started today!

    Want to learn more? I recommend these articles for further reading:

    Church AV: A definitive guide to using Audio-Visual effectively.

    Audio Visual for Churches: What to Focus on for Success.

    Why media church is the way forward for growth and impact.

    Digital Ministry Unleashed: 5 Proven Strategies for Your Church

    Five Methods to Reach Your Church Audience Beyond Sunday.

    Every church media ministry needs a vision - do you have one?

    How poor-quality church sound will ruin your live stream.

    Who is your digital church?

    Categories: : audience, audio, Broadcasting, church media ministry, Foundation, set up, Strategy, Technology

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